Registration for the Tanatopractor Certification Training Program

Last Updated: April 1, 2024Categories: Announcements, Results

Registration for the Tanatopractor Certification Training Program


The National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS) will start enrolment for the training programme to obtain certification for tanatopractors from 20 September 2023 at 10:00 a.m., according to the Order of the Minister of Health No 958 of 31 March 2022.

Romanian high school graduates, with or without baccalaureate, and foreign citizens who provide proof of high school graduation with a recognized or equivalent diploma according to Romanian law can apply for this program. Registrations will be made on the PERFMED platform

The tanatopractor certification training program will begin in November 2023 and consists of:

  1. a theoretical training module of about 1 month and a half on the PERFMED platform, completed with an end-of-course exam with a fee of 2,100 lei
  2. a theoretical exam on the PERFMED platform with a fee of 375 lei
  3. a practical training module of 80 hours organised in one of the accredited practical training centres with a fee of 5.100 lei
  4. practical examination test in front of a committee in one of the practice centres with a fee of 3.750 lei

The following steps are required to apply for the tanatopractor training programme:

Creation of a learner account on the PERFMED platform to which it is attached:

  1. Proof of payment to the INMSS account of the fee of 2.100 lei – theoretical training module fee for tanatopractors
  2. Baccalaureate diploma or, if applicable, proof of high school graduation
  3. Copy of identity card
  4. GDPR form

National Institute of Health Services Management account:


VAT number 26328134 (must be mentioned when making payment).

Address INMSS: Str. Vaselor nr. 31 sector 2 Bucharest

The maximum number of places for this tanatopractor training series is 60 and registration will be on a space limited basis. In case of withdrawal from the programme after its start, the fee is not refundable. If withdrawal from the programme is made no later than one day before the start of the programme, the fee is refunded in full.

NOTE: The completion of the tanatopractor training with the autopsy training can only be done after the completion of the entire tanatopractor course (theory and practice) and the passing of the practical exam that grants the tanatopractor certification.

It is not possible to change the training option from tanatopractor to autopsier after the completion of the theoretical training module and passing the theoretical examination for tanatopractors.