MS 69 – Training programme in the field of “Hospital Management”
National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS) organizes from 09.10.2023, the Training Programme in the field of “Hospital Management” – MS 69 series – on the ZOOM platform
The aim of the training programme is to prepare hospital managers to ensure better hospital management and increase managerial performance in hospitals. The programme is designed in two sections: theoretical training and practical applications.
The programme is only open to graduates of a higher education institution.
The programme series consists of a maximum of 35 participants in chronological order of registration (date of registration form).
The programme will take place on the ZOOM platform, weekly, on Mondays and Tuesdays, between 10.00-16.00 and is structured in 11 modules, as follows:
- General management
- Hospital organisation and evaluation
- Case-Driven Financing (DRG)
- Health economics
- Financial management accounting/Comparative analysis of health systems
- Human resources management
- Quality management and performance evaluation
- Standardisation, accreditation and internal control within the hospital
- Communication management in a hospital
- Project management
- Public finance for health managers
At the end of the programme there will be a graduation exam, which consists of a written test and a practical test – the development and support of a Management Project.
Registration to the program is done by filling in and signing the Registration Form, which is sent by electronic mail to the address of the teaching secretariat: aadam@inmss.ro, or to the INMSS office in str. Vaselor nr. 31, sector 2.
The application file will contain the following documents:
- Application form (downloadable from www.inmss.ro)
- Copy of identity card
- Copy of the document proving graduation from higher education
- Copy of name change document, if applicable
- Copy of the document proving payment of the participation fee
- Document attesting to your state of health (medical certificate, medical certificate, etc.)
- Proof of the employer’s agreement to participate in the training programme or Affidavit, as appropriate
All documents submitted in copy must be completed with the phrase ‘certified true’ and signed on each page.
The file with the above mentioned documents can be sent by:
– courier or by post, or at the institution’s headquarters: Str. Vaselor nr. 31, 021253, Sector 2 Bucharest, for the attention of the Teaching Secretary, Mrs. Adina ADAM
– by electronic mail – electronically signed documents, with certified electronic signature, to the e-mail address: aadam@inmss.ro
In case of withdrawal from the programme, the course fee can only be refunded until the course start date.
Submission of the application for participation in the training programme must be made up to and including the starting date of the programme (first day of the course).
Applications that are incomplete or do not comply with the above conditions will be rejected.
The payment of the participation fee of 3.767 lei can be made in full or in two instalments, at the INMSS cash desk or by PO according to the identification data below:
– INMSS beneficiary
– CIF: 26328134
– Cont: RO07TREZ70220G335000XXXX, State Treasury Sector 2 Bucharest
Further information can be obtained by e-mail from the Teaching Secretariat – Adina ADAM – aadam@inmss.ro, phone 021.252.0425 / 021.252.8022 – int. 143 or 0753.093.223
Programme Coordinator, Dr. Cristina LUPAN – clupan@inmss.ro