MQ26 – Training program “Quality management of health services – Quality manager”
The National Institute of Health Services Management (INMSS) is organising from 23 October 2023 the training programme “Health Services Quality Management – Quality Manager” – series MQ26 – ONLINE.
The programme is aimed at people who want to train in the field of health service quality management, including to be able to take up the posts set up at the level of the quality management unit in hospitals, in accordance with the law.
The programme series consists of participants listed in chronological order of registration (according to the registration date on the registration form). The minimum number of participants for a programme series is 20 people. The series of participants in the refresher programme is organised in chronological order of the registration number of the application forms.
Any person with a secondary/higher education who is interested in training/upgrading in the field of health care quality management can apply for the training and further training programme for the acquisition of the certificate of graduation.
The programme consists of 10 (ten) modules, totalling 84 hours, according to the provisions of Order 418/2020 MS-ANMCS on the approval of the framework curricula for training courses in the field of health services quality management (quality manager). Between the first and the second session of the course, the participants of the programme benefit from one or two weeks of individual assisted study to deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired, to solve case studies and to prepare a project – “Project to improve the quality of health services”, in order to take the final exam.
The training programme runs daily, Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 16.00 – ONLINE.
The application file will contain the following documents:
– the application form;
– a signed copy of the “certified true copy” of your identity card;
– a copy of the document certifying completion of studies, signed “certified true to original”;
– a signed “true copy” of the name change document, if applicable;
– a signed copy of the document certifying payment of the participation fee of 2954,00 lei (in full or in no more than two instalments).
– the original document attesting to your state of health (medical certificate, medical certificate);
– original of the employer’s agreement to participate in the training and further training programme, or an affidavit, as appropriate.
The file with the above mentioned documents can be sent by courier or by post to the institution’s headquarters (Vaselor Street no. 31, 021253, sector 2, Bucharest, to the attention of the teaching secretary, Mrs Adina ADAM) or by e-mail to aadam@inmss.ro.
In case of withdrawal from the programme, the course fee already paid can only be refunded until the start date of the course.
The participation fee can be paid at the INMSS cash desk or by PO according to the identification data below:
Beneficiary: INMSS; CIF: 26328134; IBAN account: RO07TREZ70220G335000XXXX, State Treasury Sector 2, Bucharest
After passing the final exam, participants will receive aCertificate of Completion issued by the INMSS.
Further information can be obtained from the INMSS as follows:
– Mrs Adina ADAM – teaching secretary
Contact details: tel. 0753.093.223; 021.252.8022 – int. 166/143, e-mail aadam@inmss.ro
– Dr. Anca HALDAN – programme coordinator
Contact details: e-mail ahaldan@inmss.ro