Other INMSS publications

Last Updated: January 5, 2024Categories: Archive

Evidence based practice information sheets for health professionals – Translations with permission of JBI

  1. Music – a type of intervention in hospitals
  2. Patient management in day surgery
  3. Strategies to reduce medication errors in older people

Management of health services

The work is a special editorial event for all forms of university education that train social workers, sociologists and medical personnel with an interest in management.

Private expenditure on health, Romania 1996 – 1999

The results and conclusions of the study could be used to adjust the reform strategy, taking into account the possibilities of the population to contribute with additional own resources to the financing of health services, as well as the impact of some measures on access to health services. The study also reveals the financial burden on the family budget, especially among disadvantaged groups.

Quality management – Continuous improvement of the quality of health services

This is the first book in Romania to address the concept of quality applied to the health system. The book is aimed primarily at managers of health care providers, health insurance companies and public health directorates, providing a methodology for implementing the continuous quality improvement process.

Management of medical practice in primary care

Trainer’s Manual – Volumes I and II

Coursepack – Volume III

Edited with support from UNICEF and produced with the support of USAID, the book is the result of collaboration between IMSS and JSI under the Reproductive Health Initiatives project.

The manual aims to improve the managerial capacity of service providers in the context of the health system reform in Romania.