National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS) carries out research and development activities in the field of health services management and provides technical assistance and consultancy in the field of health services management by carrying out specific activities, such as: conducting studies and applications to evaluate and improve the performance of the health system, carrying out projects and analyses to support the health reform process.
Through research activity, INMSS aims to contribute to the development of a health system in which policies and strategies are based on scientific evidence from research so that the rightful beneficiaries, the citizens, have access to quality health care according to their specific needs.
Directions for action in research:
- Conducts research, studies and analysis on health service use and performance;
- Conducts studies and analyses of cost, clinical effectiveness and efficiency of hospital services;
- Conducts needs assessment studies at the population and service provider level;
- It conducts research, studies on the evaluation of hospital services (activity, use, performance, quality, efficiency) based on electronic data collected at hospital level (secondary data and/or primary data);
- Conducts and participates in research on the development and updating of automated systems and computer programs for patient classification by diagnostic group, clinical data collection and coding, and health services management for research and development purposes;
- It carries out analyses on the impact of health services paid from the single national health insurance fund;
- Carries out studies on geographical coverage of health services;
- Conduct health technology assessment studies;
- It carries out research, studies to obtain valid scientific evidence and recommendations to support health policy-making (as part of its consultancy and technical assistance to key health decision-makers);
- Provides technical assistance and consultancy in the field of health services management.
Main areas of research interest within the INMSS:
- Strategic planning of health services;
- Population health needs assessment;
- Health services activity;
- Use, performance and quality of health services;
- Efficiency of health services;
- Health services management;
- Optimisation of processes in healthcare units;
- Prevalence studies of diseases and risk behaviours;
- Consultancy in the field of health service reform and management (development strategies and health policy documentation, market analysis and studies, feasibility studies, etc.);
- Dissemination of research results (participation in conferences, seminars, publication of scientific articles, etc.).
DRG Centre
The Service for Evaluation and Analysis of Hospital Services operates within the Centre for Human Resources, Evaluation and Analysis of Health Services of the INMSS structure and has among its established objectives, the collection and management of the minimum set of patient-level data (SMDP) in continuous and day hospitalisation from all hospitals in Romania, based on the legislation in force (according to MS and CNAS Order 1782/2006 on the registration and statistical reporting of patients receiving medical services in continuous hospitalisation and day hospitalisation as amended).
Our main beneficiaries are health units with beds, together with MS, CNAS and other public and private institutions working in the health system.
The activities of the centre consist of:
Development of a national standard for the SMDP collected and transmitted by hospitals, centralisation and processing of data at hospital level;
Provide reports on diagnostic group classification and validation of cases reported by hospitals;
Methodological support and technical assistance for representatives of hospitals and health insurance funds, respectively the Ministry of Health;
Analysis of hospital activity, by monitoring the evolution of hospital activity, by calculating and reporting indicators on the clinical activity carried out and the accuracy of data collected in electronic format;
Develop performance and quality criteria for health service providers;
Calculation of some healthcare costs;
Proposing changes in relative values or tariffs per diagnostic group and tariffs per case managed, under the coordination of the Ministry of Health;
Development of automated systems and computer programs to classify patients into diagnostic groups for research purposes;
Endorsement of software products for classifying patients into diagnostic groups, developed by private providers, for use in evaluating the work of health facilities;
Development and delivery of courses in the areas of patient classification by diagnostic group, clinical data collection and use of coding systems, as well as the issuance of certificates attesting to training in this area;
Various analyses, courses and methodologies at the request of the various beneficiaries in relation to the Centre’s scope of activity.
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, is dedicated to the management of the SMDP (SC + SZ) reporting process and active communication with users, by access level, with the following roles:
The National Institute for Health Services Management (NICE) has international collaborations in evidence-based medicine with The Joanna Briggs Institute, Adelaide, Australia, and the Institute of Health Economics, Edmonton, Canada.
INMSS runs training courses in Evidence Based Medicine/Practice and training courses in the field of health technology assessment, as well as consultancy activities in this field.
Site: JBI Global