Registration for the 2024 Autopsy and Body Examiner Certification Training Program

Last Updated: April 1, 2024Categories: Uncategorized


We inform you that the registration for the training program for tanatopractors and autopsies will be made on the PERFMED platform, between March 15, 10.00-10 May, 24.00 a.c. or until the 60 places for the field of TANATOPRAXY and AUTOPSY are filled.



The following steps are required to apply for the autopsy training programme:

Creation of a learner account on the PERFMED platform to which it is attached:

  1. Proof of payment to the INMSS account of the fee of 3.600 lei – theoretical autopsy training module fee
  2. Baccalaureate diploma or, if applicable, a document proving high school graduation
  3. Copy of identity card

National Institute of Health Services Management account:

IBAN ACCOUNT: RO07TREZ70220G335000XXXX, Sect 2 Treasury, CIF 26328134 (compulsory to mention when making the payment). Address INMSS: Str. Vaselor nr. 31 sector 2 Bucharest

The maximum number of places for this autopsy training series is 60 and registration will be on a space limited basis. In case of withdrawal from the programme after its start, the fee is not refundable. If withdrawal from the programme is made no later than one day before the start of the programme, the fee is refunded in full.



The following steps are required to apply for the tanatopractor training programme:

Creation of a learner account on the PERFMED platform to which it is attached:

  1. Proof of payment to the INMSS account of the fee of 2.100 lei – theoretical training module fee for tanatopractors
  2. Baccalaureate diploma or, if applicable, proof of high school graduation
  3. Copy of identity card

National Institute of Health Services Management account:

IBAN ACCOUNT: IBAN ACCOUNT RO07TREZ70220G335000XXXX, Sect 2 Treasury, CIF 26328134 (compulsory to mention when making the payment). Address INMSS: Str. Vaselor nr. 31 sector 2 Bucharest

The maximum number of places for this tanatopractor training series is 60 and registration will be on a space limited basis. In case of withdrawal from the programme after its start, the fee is not refundable. If withdrawal from the programme is made no later than one day before the start of the programme, the fee is refunded in full.

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