Hospital management (MS)
Target group
Graduates interested in training (gaining skills) in hospital management and wishing to apply for the position of hospital manager.
General objectives
1. Train health management professionals who are aware of and assess health service reform trends;
2. Knowledge of methods of measuring the health status of the population in order to identify health problems of the population served and consequently to plan effectively and efficiently the services provided by hospitals;
3. Change the attitude towards resources at a hospital level by identifying their degree of use, their allocation in accordance with their availability and assessed needs and the possibilities of intervention in order to increase the performance of the services provided;
4. Awareness of the importance, role and stages of hospital accreditation in Romania as well as the responsibilities of the manager in this process.
Specific objectives
At the end of the programme the learner will have to:
1. Know the fundamental concepts concerning general management and human resources management;
2. Understand and be able to use health service planning tools;
3. Understand the place and role of the hospital within the Romanian health system;
4. Understand the link between hospital organisational structure and hospital management objectives;
5. Know the methods of payment for health services provided at a hospital;
6. Understand the principles of contracting for health services provided at a hospital level;
7. Understand the principles of measuring and improving the quality of health services;
8. Know the usefulness of the DRG system in evaluating the services provided by the hospital and in identifying new services for the development of the organisation
9. Know the principles of health financing reform in Romania;
10. Understand hospital costing methods and models;
11. Know accounting principles and policies, and understand hospital accounting documents including how to construct a hospital forecast budget;
12. Evaluate the hospital’s financial performance;
13. Develop a plan to improve hospital management.
14. Identify and assess the risks of hospital activities;
15. Know the tools for human resource planning in a hospital and their application according to staffing needs and availability;
16. Know the methods for assessing the training and development needs of staff within the organisation;
At the end of the programme, the learner should have the following practical skills in addition to the standard professional competence:
1. Analyse the health services market and adapt the service offer to unmet needs;
2. Application of the knowledge of hospital performance evaluation in the context of the Romanian health system by using different tools to evaluate the performance of a hospital, including the analyses made as a result of the use of the DRG system in Romanian hospitals;
3. Analyse the financial flows at a hospital level and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of financing health services in order to make the best decisions when contracting services;
4. Use of financial indicators relevant to the hospital manager and correlation with service utilization indicators to inform decisions;
5. Use of basic elements required in contracting hospital services;
6. Use of specific strategic and operational management tools to implement the plans for which a hospital manager is responsible;
7. Apply staff motivation techniques to increase staff commitment to the organisation’s goals and objectives;
Program code – MS
Programme coordinator: Dr. Cristina LUPAN
M1. General management
- Management functions
- Strategic planning
- Change management
- Decision-making
- Leadership styles
- Team development
M2. Hospital organisation and evaluation
- Models of health systems, performance of a health system
- Organisation of the health system in Romania – actors and roles
- The hospital in the context of the Romanian health system
- Strategic management – analysis and tools
- Strategic management – case study
- Strategic management – case study
M3. Health economics
- Basics of health economics
- Health services market. Types of health systems financing
- Methods of payment for health care providers
- Economic evaluation. Design. Areas of application
- Cost measurement – types, calculation methods
- Types of economic analysis. Measuring results
M4. Diagnostic group system
- Basics of the Diagnostic Reference Group (DRG) system
- Minimum patient-level data set for day and continuous hospitalisation; basic coding concepts
- Grouping of continuous hospitalisation cases; validation of continuous and day hospitalisation cases
- Data analysis
- Contracting and settlement of hospital medical services
- Theoretical aspects of financing on a case-by-case basis (TCP calculation method, adjustment, costs)
M5. Quality management
- The concept of quality and hospital service
- Indicators for assessing the quality of hospital services
- Quality measurement. Quality methods and tools
- EAAAM Management
- Management of hospital quality interventions
- IAAM Management
M6. Project management
- Getting started – basic concepts, project life cycle. Problem identification
- Fundamentals of a project proposal – purpose, objectives, activities, time planning of the project
- Practical activity – working in groups to define a project proposal
M7. Hospital management project
- Current coordinates of hospital management in the European context. Ex.
- Structure and instructions for the development and presentation of a Hospital Management Project. Discuss practical homework.
- Hospital management project: case study. Presentation and discussion of the trainees’ proposals on the theme chosen for the management project
M8. Human resources management
- The role and importance of human resource management in health
- Human resources planning process
- Motivating staff
- Recruitment and selection of human resources
- Job analysis – Job description
- Performance evaluation
M9. Standardisation, accreditation and internal control within the hospital
- Quality documents – general concepts
- Accreditation of hospitals
- Other standards applied in the hospital
- Standards – ISO 9001 Standards
- Quality documents II
- Management internal control
M10. Communication and public relations
- Communication – general concepts
- Communication languages
- Communication styles
- Organisational communication
- Public relations – general concepts
- Image crisis. Methods and techniques for dealing with image crises
M11. Public finance
- Getting started
- Budgetary system
- Authorising officers of budget appropriations
- Financing public institutions
- Implementation of the revenue and expenditure budget
- Public procurement
M12. Financial management
- Introduction to financial management and public accounting. / Usefulness of financial and accounting information.
- Financial and accounting documentation and reporting in the public system. / Public hospital accounting.
- Practical accounting applications at the public hospital level; presentation of results, discussion.
M13. Comparative analysis of health systems
- National health systems: United Kingdom
- US health care system
- Social health insurance schemes – France
Written test
Dissertation – hospital management project