VAX-ACTION: effectively tackling vaccine hesitancy in Europe

Last Updated: April 1, 2024Categories: Ongoing

The project is carried out by a consortium of 8 partners* from 6 countries, coordinated by the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical/IHMT) of NOVA University in Lisbon.


Funding source: European Commission, through the EU4Health Programme, and own resources

Project duration: 30 months (1 December 2023- 31 May 2026)


Support EU Member States and relevant institutions to implement tailored, evidence-based interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy.

Specific objectives

Mapping of the interventions to increase vaccination rates implemented so far

Identification of problems encountered in implementing these interventions

Developing interventions based on research evidence

Implementation and evaluation of these interventions in pilot actions

Developing a sustainable, research-based strategy for the continued implementation of these interventions, accompanied by methodologies and suggestions for scaling up across the EU

INMSS is the coordinator for work package 5 – Implementing interventions that address misconceptions and misinformation of vulnerable populations.

*VAX-ACTION Consortium:

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC)

Pasteur Institute (IP)

The Association of Schools of Publiic Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS)

Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP)

Institut Postgradualniho Vzdelavani Ve Zdravotnictvi (IPVZ (IPME))

University of Pavia (UNIPV)

University Vita-Salute San Raffaele (UNISR)