AMD 45 – Hospital management for directors of care and senior nurses
INational Institute for Health Services Management
organises from 6 December 2023 the training programme:
The aim of the programme is to prepare nurses/midwives for the position of director of care or chief assistant and is accredited by the Romanian Order of General Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants.
The programme is aimed at all nurses, midwives and general nurses with post-secondary education and a master’s degree and those with a higher education degree/diploma in healthcare.
The programme will run live on the Zoom platform on Thursdays and Fridays from 10.00 to 16.00.
The programme consists of 5 modules and will run for 5 weeks. Each module lasts 2 days, 6 hours/day. The order of the modules will be as follows:
- 06-07 December 2023 – Communication at hospital level (CO)
- 14-15 December 2023 – Hospital Care Quality Management (CQM)
- 11-12 January 2024 – Quality Management System (QMS)
- 18-19 January 2024 – Organisation and financing of hospital services (MOF)
- 25-26 January 2024 – Human Resources Management (HRM)
In order to participate in the training programme, applicants must submit a dossier containing the following documents:
- Original (signed) application form,
- Copy of ID card,
- A copy of the document certifying the completion of studies,
- Copy of the document certifying the passing of the main grade examination, if applicable
- Copy of name change document, if applicable
- Copy of the document proving payment of the participation fee of 1195 lei. The participation fee can be paid at the INMSS cash desk or by PO according to the identification data:
- Beneficiary: National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS), CIF: 26328134 and account: RO07TREZ70220G335000XXXX, State Treasury Sector 2, Bucharest.
- Document certifying your state of health (medical certificate, medical certificate, etc.) in original.
- Original certificate of employer’s agreement to participate in the training programme.
All documents submitted in copy must be completed with the phrase “certified true” and signed on each page by the participant.
Submission of the application for participation in the training programme shall be made by the starting date of the programme as follows:
– by post or by courier to the secretariat of the National Institute for Health Services Management, contact person Silviana MOCANU, e-mail: smocanu@inmss.ro at the following telephone numbers: 0753 093 220; 021 252 0425/ 021 252 8022 – int. 148 or
– by electronic mail, electronically signed documents, with certified electronic signature, nominal, to the e-mail address: smocanu@inmss.ro
Enrolment in the programme is in chronological order of submission/transmission of application documents, until the places for a programme series are filled, up to a maximum of 30 places. In case of withdrawal from the programme, the course fee can only be refunded until the course start date.
Further information can be obtained from the National Institute for Health Services Management, contact person, the programme’s teaching secretary, Eng. Silviana MOCANU, e-mail: smocanu@inmss.ro or at the following telephone numbers: 0753 093 220; 021 252 0425 / extension 148.
Programme Coordinator, Dr. Ruxandra DIACONESCU – rdiaconescu@inmss.ro