Fragility Management. A comprehensive approach to promoting a disability-free old age in Europe: the ADVANTAGE initiative
The ADVANTAGE project was carried out by a consortium of 35 partners, coordinated by the Foundation for Biomedical Research of Getafe University Hospital (Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital Universitario de Getafe) in Spain.
Action website: http://www.advantageja.eu/
Funding source: European Commission – DG SANTE and own sources.
Project duration: 3 years (2016-2019)
The aim The project is to achieve a common understanding of the condition and the term ‘frailty’, to be used in all EU Member States, which should form the basis for common management, both at the individual level and at the population level of older people, frail people or people at risk of developing frailty. Identifying the underlying components of frailty and its management should promote the need for change in the organisation and implementation of health care and social services to provide models of care; existing results at national level will enable Member States to meet the challenge within a common framework.
Specific objectives of the ADVANTAGE project:
- Standardise the assessment of “frailty” at individual level (definition, diagnosis);
- Identification of clinical aspects, assessment of comorbidities;
- Identification of prevalence at population level;
- Identifying the pathway and transitional states of ‘fragility’;
- Explore strategies, obstacles and opportunities;
- Review of data management at individual level;
- Development of guidelines for prevention and clinical management;
- Identify and disseminate examples of good practice;
- Analysis of the impact of care models at individual level;
- Transfer of information and practices;
- Analysis of the integration of health and social services;
- Cost-benefit analysis.